630 meter modified folded unipole antenna |
Build the 80 M unipole then add the loading coil and vac-cap for the 160M or 630M bands. | |
The antenna is 30ft X 4 in irrigation tubing with 4 drop wires and 4-20 ft top loading wires with only 8 ground radials 35 to 45 ft long. The base loading coil is 50 turns #12 on 4 inch PVC (150uh). |
The folds or drop wires are 18 in from the irrigation tubing. |
Drop wires, top loading wires, base loading coil and radials are all # 12 stranded wire. |
The tuner uses a vacuum capacitor and roller inductor, you can remote this with 12 volt DC motors. |
Still working on this page -- Click image to go back -- Not enough time in the day. |